There is soooo much to look forward to and be excited about at Fixed Youth Camp.
Guest speakers
Live Music
Fire Pits
and More
Our guest speaker will focus on what it means to be fixed on Jesus as it says in Hebrews 12:1-2
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Price includes all food, accommodation, and amazing things happening at camp!
Single Ticket = $200 per person Family Ticket = $180 per person
We don't want money to stop you from attending. Our church has some very caring people, so please contact (Pastor Mitch: 0401226910).
Start & Finish
Arrive from 6 pm, starting at 7 pm on Friday the 20th
Leaving at 11 am on Sunday the 22nd
Hoodies and t-shirts and more will be available for purchase. Prices to come.
How To Get There
Ridgecrest Christian Convention Centre is not far away, just a 1-hour drive at the top of a hill.
621 The Circle Road, Mumbil NSW 2820
What To Bring
Linen for beds, including a pillow slip
Blankets/sleeping bag
Bath Towel
Appropriate swimmers and towel for boating
$2 coins for hot chocolate machine (all money raised goes into improving Ridgecrest).